Development Blog

We're always happy to answer the questions you have about Courtyard. But every time someone takes the time to ask a question, we know there are a number of other people who had the same question, but didn't bother to ask. This is why we decided to write an online manual for Courtyard.

We hope that this manual will help you to use your online church directory more effectively. It covers everything from signup and data import, to invitations, printing, and the iPhone app. If you can't find the answer to your question in the manual, please ask us, so that we can continue to improve.

Note that while much of the manual is concerned with directory administration, there is a whole section devoted to using the directory as a member. Please feel free to share this information with your members, so that they can get the most out of the online directory as well.

Posted by Austin Taylor on 09/09/2010

Today we are launching a major new feature of Courtyard, called Sections. We've gotten a number of requests from people who want to divide up their directory into different groups. We have designed this feature in such away that it will support a wide variety of possible uses, including:

  • Missionaries
  • Former Members
  • Staff Members
  • Shut-ins
  • Itinerant Preachers

We're excited about the way this could expand the usefulness of your directory, by keeping more people connected. We're looking forward to seeing all the creative ways this feature will be used.

Posted by Austin Taylor on 07/27/2010